Hip-Hop is one of the most popular trends in modern dance culture.
It is a dance that combines many street styles. In the broadest sense, Hip-Hop – is almost any dance that is danced to appropriate music with a good rhythmic foundation. That is why it is difficult to isolate a certain direction Hip-Hop, most often used the term “dance in the style of hip-hop.
Emerged in the last century in poor American neighborhoods, thanks to its expression, drive, emotionality, hip-hop has spread far beyond its historic homeland. Now it is danced by everyone – from children of five years old, to the stars of world pop music.
Openness of hip-hop to experimentation, its broad approach to technique and desire to improvise attracts both youth and adult dancers.
Seeing a performance in this style and trying to dance hip-hop yourself, you risk becoming a fan for a long time.